Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Delivery frequency Make Piles?

Christmas And Holiday Decorations - Not a few people who think that if a woman will give birth are often at risk of disease greater ambient. But is it so? 

Hemorroid or known as hemorrhoids (piles) is often among women who had given birth more than once (multipara). The incidence is 5% -35%. 

Hemorroid in pregnant women generally occurs due to the insistence of fetal growth on hemorroid veins (blood vessels around the anus).

Pregnant women are also highly prone to suffer from hemorrhoids due to rising levels of pregnancy hormones. Where the goal, to dilate blood vessels so that the flow of nutrients to the fetus smoothly.

Some women experience hemorrhoids during labor due to the strong pressure of the baby, or postpartum complications. 

And when it "came out" as a doctor, it is likely hemorroid has reached stage 2 or a medium-size, stand out when pushing, reentry when standing. 

Then if the operation becomes the only way to overcome this right?

Diagnosis and treatment should be established based on previous inspection. And not all cases hemorroid must be addressed with surgery.

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